International 奖学金

International fellowships provide funding to go abroad. An international fellowship can help you gain experience learning a language, conduct research in a foreign country, or take courses at some of the best universities in the world. 无论你是在浏览课程还是积极申请,我们都会帮助你获得一个.
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International 奖学金 Listing

程序名Brief Description资格的最后期限
Churchill ScholarshipProvides funding to American students for a year of Master’s study in science, 数学, and 工程 at the University of Cambridge, based at Churchill College in the UK.Graduating seniors in STEM and some humanities fields2024年10月中旬
Critical Language Scholarship为美国本科生和研究生提供全额资助的夏季海外语言和文化沉浸课程. CLS为来自美国各地的不同语言学习水平的学生提供机会. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply.所有的学生mid-11月ember 2025
DAAD—German Academic Exchange Service留学奖学金颁发给在德国大学攻读部分或全部高级学位的高素质大四学生和所有学科的研究生.
教师 顾问: Lars Schmitz, Keck Science Center
Graduating seniors不同
富布赖特U.S. 学生资助富布赖特学生项目为个人设计的学习/研究项目或140多个国家的英语教学助理项目提供资助. 候选人将提交一份奖助金目的声明,说明在一个学年期间在美国以外的参与国家进行的活动.S.Graduating seniors9月. 26, 2024
Fulbright Summer Institutes for US Undergraduates富布赖特英国暑期学院是为美国本科生提供的为期三到四周的项目. Participants can explore the culture, 英国的传统和历史,同时在英国大学接受高等教育.First-years and sophomores2月. 1, 2024
盖茨剑桥奖学金颁发给来自英国以外国家的优秀申请人,用于攻读剑桥大学任何学科的全日制研究生学位.Graduating seniorsMid-10月 (check website)
Gilman International Scholarship for 出国留学美国国务院的本杰明·A·吉尔曼国际奖学金是一项资助计划,使经济条件有限的学生能够到国外学习或实习, 从而获得对我们的国家安全和经济竞争力至关重要的技能.
顾问: Jamie Francis, International Programs Office
Students receiving Federal Pell Grant funding10月. 10, 2024
Humanity in Action“行动中的人类”奖学金汇集了国际团体的研究员,研究少数群体的权利,并提出原创性的研究,探讨个人和社会如何以及为什么, past and present, have resisted intolerance and protected democratic values. Separate programs take place every summer in Amsterdam, 亚特兰大, 柏林, 哥本哈根, 萨拉热窝, 和华沙.不同不同
Marshall Scholarships马歇尔奖学金资助有能力的美国年轻人到英国攻读学位. 每年有多达40名学者被选中在任何研究领域的英国机构进行研究生阶段的学习.Graduating seniors and alumni9月. 12, 2024
Mitchell Scholarships乔治·J. 米切尔奖学金计划是由美国-爱尔兰联盟赞助的美国公民的全国性竞争性奖项. 米切尔奖学金旨在介绍和连接未来的美国领导人到爱尔兰岛, while recognizing and fostering academic excellence, 领导, and a commitment to 公共服务.Graduating seniors在暂停
Napier Fellowship

纳皮尔奖学金是由克莱蒙特的朝圣者广场提供的代际导师奖. 入选的研究员将有机会获得两项奖金中的一项,最高可达2万美元. 奖项将颁发给在社会正义领域表现出杰出领导潜质的应届毕业生, 和平, and environmental sustainability. 克莱蒙特大学的五个本科学院每个学院最多可以提名三名学生. 

Napier Instructions & 应用程序

Graduating seniors10月 9, 2024, 12 PM
NSF Graduate 研究 FellowshipNSF研究生研究奖学金计划认可并支持NSF支持科学领域的优秀研究生, 技术, 工程, 在美国认可的机构攻读研究型硕士和博士学位的数学学科学生.Graduating seniors不同
Princeton in Africa普林斯顿非洲项目(PiAf)将有才华、有激情的大学毕业生与非洲各地的组织进行为期一年的服务实习. 该项目面向美国认可的任何学院或大学的应届毕业生和年轻校友开放.Graduating seniors and alumni10月. 27, 2024, 11:59 PM EST
Princeton in Asia一个独立的, 通过沉浸式工作和全球社区,将具有服务意识的毕业生和合作伙伴组织联系起来的非营利组织. 奖学金获得者将培养对世界这一地区的终身欣赏和参与. Due to the size and diversity of the positions available, applicants of all disciplines and background are encouraged to apply.Graduating seniors and alumni11月. 1, 2024, 11:59 PM EST
Princeton in Latin AmericaPiLA与非政府组织和多边组织合作,并为高素质的大学毕业生提供为期一年的非营利组织服务奖学金, 公共服务, 人道主义, 以及在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区具有社会使命的政府组织.Graduating seniors and alumni11月. 1, 2024, 11:59 PM EST
Projects for Peace Summer Grant为本科生或即将毕业的高年级学生设计他们将在申请后的夏季实施的基层项目. Projects judged to be the most promising and feasible will be funded at $10,000. 目的是鼓励和支持有动力的青年为建设和平创造和尝试他们自己的想法.所有的学生Late December 2024/Early January 2025
Rangel International Affairs Program查尔斯B号. 兰格尔研究生奖学金(Rangel Graduate Fellowship)是一个旨在吸引和培养优秀年轻人进入美国国务院外交部门工作的项目. Applicants that are selected receive support through two years of graduate study, 实习, mentoring and professional development activities. Encourages application of members of histori呼叫y underrepresented minority groups, 女性, and those with financial need.Graduating seniors9月. 19, 2024
Rhodes ScholarshipRhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for 领导 in whatever domains their careers may lead.Graduating seniors9月. 12, 2024
Rotary Foundation Global Grant ScholarshipsGlobal grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. By working together to respond to real community needs, clubs and districts strengthen their global partnerships.Graduating seniors不同
Schwarzman Scholars ProgramStudents spend a year immersed in an international community of thinkers, 创新者, and senior leaders in business, politics and society. In an environment of intellectual engagement, professional development and cultural exchange, 他们互相学习,追求自己的学科,同时建立自己的领导能力.Graduating seniors9月. 12, 2024, 3 PM EST
Watson Fellowship

托马斯·J. 沃森奖学金是一个难得的机会,让你在大学毕业后和职业生涯开始前,在全球范围内参与你最感兴趣的项目. Fellows conceive original projects, 在美国境外处决他们一年,然后迎接接下来的旅程. They decide where to go, who to meet and when to change course. They do not affiliate with academic institutions and may not hold formal employment.
教师 顾问: 船底座约翰逊

Watson Fellowship 应用程序 Instructions

Graduating seniors9月. 20,2024年下午4点.m.
USAID Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship ProgramThe USAID Donald M. 佩恩奖学金旨在吸引有志于在美国国际开发署(USAID)从事外交工作的优秀年轻人。. 《推荐十大正规网赌网站》, which provides up to $104,000 in benefits over two years for graduate school, 实习, and professional development activities, provides a unique pathway to the USAID Foreign Service.Graduating Seniors10月. 24, 2024